1. How to connect to "Mano dienynas" for the first time?
For the first time you can log on to "Mano dienynas" after you input the login data acquired from your school administration into the login fields .
In the first field enter the primary email address that you were given by your school administration.
In the next field enter the primary password that you were also given by your school administration.
After correctly entering your login data you will be asked to type in your real email adress that you are currently using. An email confirmation link will be sent to your provided email address. After you confirm your email, you will be able to connect to the system by providing your confirmed email address and the primary password. You can change your password in the menu "Settings".
2. Why does the system inform me that my email is not confirmed?
All „Mano dienynas
“ users have to confirm their email address wich they use frequently when they log in for the first time.
Enter your email adress and press "Save".
An email confirmation link will be automatically sent to this email adress. You can confirm your email in two ways: 1) Press green confirmation link or 2) Copy the blue link to the address input box on your browser and press „Enter“ key.
In the browser window you will see the information that your email adress was confirmed and you will be able to connect to the system "Mano dienynas".
Your login name – your email address;
Your password - combination of symbols that you used to login to the system before email confirmation.
3. Why am I not able to login to „Mano dienynas“?
If you are not able to login into „Mano dienynas
“, first of all you have to check if the login credentials that you entered did not include the following mistakes:
a) mistyped letters or symbols (eg. letters in the wrong place) ;
b) an empty symbol ("Space") in the front or in the end of the text. This mistake can easily appear when you copy a password from other file or directory;
c) "Caps lock" function is on;
d) other language was active on the keyboard and the keyboard buttons had different meaning.
If you are sure that all login data that you entered is correct, but you still are not able to log into the system, press the link „Forgot your password?“ located below the button "Log in". This function will allow you to change your old password.
Enter your email address that you usually use to login to „Mano dienynas
First of all, the email with a confirmation to change password will be sent to the email address that you entered, it ensures that you chose this function and that it is safe to change your password.
After you press the confirmation link, you will receive a new letter with password reset link. Once you press the link, you will be able to enter your new password.
As soon as the system announces that your new password was saved you will be able to login to "Mano dienynas
" with the new password.
4. Why don't I receive the email with the email confirmation link?
Each inbox understands automatic system message differently. Some of them block these emails and some can indicate them as „Spam“ (in egzample: gmail.com), so if you are having troubles receiving emails from "Mano dienynas", please check your „Spam“ or "Advertising" catalogs.
If you still didn't find the email confirmation link, please contact "Mano dienynas" help desk.
5. Why is the student not able to see his/her timetable?
Students get their timetables generated as soon as each teacher fills in the timetables for each student group.
If the child can't see his timetable you can inform the teachers by using the internal message function to fill in their timetables.
6. How do I order „Premium“ service?
If you want to order „Premium“
service, login to the system and on menu called „Premium“
click on „About the service" . In this page you will find all the information you need about service ordering.
Once you click the button "Order", all the payment possibilities will appear.
A) Payment through the bank or paysera.lt account for yearly service. Paying for the whole school year you will save your money and your time. It won't be necessary to check if the service is still valid.
B) Payment evry 30 calendar days by SMS message. This payment has two possibilities: 1) one time payment for 30 calendar days; 2) periodical payment wich will extend the service validity every 30 calendar days. You will recieve a SMS message every 30 days, if you reply by the given instructions to it you can extend or cancel your periodical payment. After ordering this service you can always cancel it.
C) Payment every 30 calendar days through the mobile application. If you are using the mobile application and have your credit card connected to your Google Wallet or iTunes, this payment method may be best for you. Attention, we inform you that Price for the service ordering through the application differs just becouse operating systems Android and iOS has different availible payment value intervals.
7. Why am I not able to see the results of student rating?
Student rating is a part of „Mano dienynas Plus“ service. If you have not activated this service yet, you will see only question marks instead of rating results. Once you have activated “Mano dienynas Plus” service , you will be able to see all the information related with student rating. Students rating is only for 5-12 class students.
8. How to merge user's "Mano dienynas" accounts in different schools?
If you use electronic diary „Mano dienynas“ in more than one school, you are able to merge these accounts into one. In this way you will need to memorize only one email and password to login to "Mano dienynas" and change the schools just by one click.
If you are using different email adresses to log on, change one of them so that both would be the same. Soon after you will get an email confirmation link to the email adress. Once you click it you will merge your accounts.
Note: students and parents profiles cannot be merged by the same email.
9. How can I connect to the demo version of "Mano dienynas"?
If you are interested in exploring "Mano dienynas" in more detail, please contact us by email
[email protected] and we will be glad to provide you a demo version, according to your educational institution and position.
10. How can I become "Mano dienynas" user?
When an educational institution decides to use "Mano dienynas", to everyone in this institution new logins to the system are generated. Educational institution administration provides these logins to every user.
When logging in for the first time to "Mano dienynas" users use their primarily generated logins. After logging in, the system will ask you to enter your real email adress, to wich an email confirmation letter will be sent.